Cardinal Numbers

Cardinal Numbers

¡Let´s learn the cardinal numbers, it's going to be amazing!/ ¡Aprendamos los números cardinales, va a ser divertido! 
Inside the brackets you will see the correct pronunciation of each one/ Dentro de los paréntesis verás la correcta pronunciación de cada uno.

A Cardinal Number is a number that says how many  of  something  there  are, such as one, two, three, four, five.
Imagen recuperada da:

Un numero cardinal es un número que dice que cantidad hay de algo, así como uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco. 

Inside the brackets it's the correct pronunciation.

Dentro de los paréntesis está la correcta pronunciación.
1: One (Uan)
2: Two (Tu)
3: Three (Thri)
4: Four (For)
5: Five (Faif) 
6: Six (Six)
7: Seven (Seven)
8: Eight (Eit)
9: Nine (Nain)
10: Ten (Ten)
11: Eleven (ileven)
12: Twelve (Tuelf)
13: Thirteen (Thirtin)
14: Fourteen (Fortin)
15: Fiveteen (Fiftin)
20: Twenty (Tuenti)
21: Twenty One (Tuenti uan)
22: Twenty Two: (Tuenti tu)
30: Thirty
40: Forty (Fori)
50: Fifty (Fifti)
100: Hundred (Jandred)
1000: Thousand (Thousand)
1000000: Million (Milion)


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