Continuous Tenses/ Progressive Tenses
Continuous/Progressive Tenses
This tenses are the ones that are used to describe something that was happening, is happening or will be happening.
Estos tiempos son los que usamos para describir algo que estaba pasando, está pasando o estará pasando.
This is a really useful tip, when you are using progressive tenses, it doesn´t matter if it's past, present or future, ALWAYS you use verb to be and the verb will ALWAYS have ing. With that in mind let´s get started.
Este es un tip muy útil, cuando estamos usando tiempos progresivos, no importa si es pasado, presente o futuro, SIEMPRE usamos el verbo to be y el verbo SIEMPRE tendrá ing. Con eso en mente, empecemos.
Present Continuous
The present continuous tense is a grammatical tense that can be used to describe when an action happened, or may happen. You can use it to describe both events that are happening in the present – right now, while you are talking about something, or in the future – something that may or will happen later on.
Presente Continuo. El presente progresivo se utiliza para acontecimientos que están ocurriendo en o en torno a este momento particular en el tiempo, o para indicar que algo es temporal, o para hablar de situaciones que van cambiando, y también para hablar sobre planes en el futuro.
Affirmative: Subject + Verb to be + v. ing + complement
Ex: They are eating chips
Negative: Subject + am/is/are not + + complement
Ex: They aren't eating chips
Interrogative: Verb to be + subject + v. ing + complement + ?
Ex: Are they eating chips?
Let's practise with a game!!/ Práctiquemos con un juego!!
Presiona: Juego Presente Continuo
Y repasemos con un video!: Presiona: Explicación presente continuo
Past Continuous
The past continuous describes actions or events in a time before now, which began in the past and were still going on when another event occurred.
El Pasado Continuo, es un tiempo verbal que describe acciones que estaban siendo realizadas en un momento del pasado al que se hace referencia y que luego continuaron, por ejemplo: Yesterday he was studying English. Ayer él estaba estudiando inglés
I was
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were
Affirmative: Subject + was/were + v. ing + complement
Ex: They were eating chips
Negative: Subject + was/were not + + complement
Ex: They weren't eating chips
Interrogative: was/were + subject + v. ing + complement + ?
Ex: Were they eating chips?
Let's practise with a game!!/ Práctiquemos con un juego!!
Presiona: Juego Pasado Continuo
Y repasemos con un video!: Presiona: Explicación pasado continuo
Future Continuous
The future continuous tense, sometimes also referred to as the future progressive tense, is a verb tense that indicates that something will occur in the future and continue for an expected length of time. ... Will be meeting is the future continuous tense of the verb to meet.
El "future continuous" hace referencia a una acción o evento inacabados que seguirán ocurriendo con posterioridad al momento presente. El "future continuous" se emplea con una considerable variedad de propósitos. El "future continuous" puede utilizarse para proyectarnos hacia el futuro.
Affirmative: Subject + will be + v. ing + complement
Ex: They will be eating chips
Negative: Subject + will not/ won't be + + complement
Ex: They won't be eating chips
Interrogative: Will + subject + v. ing + complement + ?
Ex: Will they be eating chips?
Let's practise with a game!!/ Práctiquemos con un juego!!
Presiona: Juego futuro continuo
Y repasemos con un video!: Presiona: Explicación futuro continuo
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