Simple Tenses


Welcome to the easy simple tenses we´re going to check them and I´ll give tips to you so you can understand easily. As always, I'll leave interactive things like a video, images and a game for practicing.

Bienvenidos a los fáciles tiempos simples, vamos a revisarlos y les daré concejos para que puedan entender fácilmente. Como siempre, dejaré cosas interactivas como un video, imágenes y un juego para practicar.


Simple Past

Simple past is used for talking about a concrete action that started and ended in the past, we use it with adverbs of time like "last year" "yesterday" and etc. Simple past is used to talk abou things we already did.

El pasado simple se utiliza para hablar de una acción concreta que comenzó y acabó en el pasado, que suele equivaler al pretérito indefinido español. Lo usamos con adverbios de tiempo como “last year”, “yesterday”, “last night”… ... Se usa el pasado simple para un conjunto de acciones llevadas a cabo en el pasado.

Verb to be in past:
Verbo to be en pasado:

I was
He was
She was
It was
They were
You were
We were

Imagen recuperada de:


Affirmative: Subject + v.simple past + complement
Ex: He went to the swimming pool last week
Ex with verb to be:She was happy yesterday

Negative: Subject + didn't/ did not + v. base form + complement
Ex: He didn´t go to the swimming pool last week
Ex with verb to be: She wasn´'t happy yesterday

Interrogative: Did/ Was/ Were + subject + v. base form + complement + ?
Ex. Did he go to the swimming pool last week?
Ex with verb to be: Was she happy yesterday?

It is so easy, isn´t it?
Es muy fácil, no es así?

Let's practise with a game!!/ Práctiquemos con un juego!!

Y repasemos con un video!: Presiona:Explicación sencilla pasado simple


Present Simple

Present Simple is used to: 

-Para expresar hábitos y rutinas, hechos generales, acciones repetidas o situaciones, emociones y deseos permanentes:
I smoke (hábito); I work in London (permanencia); London is a large city (hecho general)

-Para dar instrucciones o indicaciones:
You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.

-Para hablar de eventos programados, presentes o futuros:
Your exam starts at 09.00.

-Para referirse al futuro, detrás de algunas conjunciones: after, when, before, as soon as, until:
He'll give it to you when you come next Saturday.

We have rules for the verbs in here
Tenemos reglas para los verbos aquí

En la tercera persona del singular, el verbo siempre termina en -s:
he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks.
Para las formas negativa e interrogativa, se emplea DOES (= tercera persona del auxiliar 'DO') + el infinitivo del verbo.
He wants ice cream. Does he want strawberry? He does not want vanilla.
Verbos que terminan en -y : en la tercera persona del singular, se cambia la -y por -ies:
fly --> flies, cry --> cries
Excepción: cuando una vocal precede a la -y:
play --> plays, pray --> prays
Añadimos -es a los verbos que terminan en:-ss, -x, -sh, -ch:
he passes, she catches, he fixes, it pushes


Affirmative: Subject + Verb + "s" +  complement
Ex: She goes to the swimming pool

Negative: Subject + doesn't/does not / don't /do not + v. base form + complement
Ex: She doesn´t go to the swimming pool

Interrogative: Do/Does + subject + v. base form + complement + ?
Ex: Does she go to the swimming pool?

Short answers/ Respuestas cortas
Possitive: Yes + subject + do/does or Verb To be
Negative: No + subject + don't/do not /doesn't / does not or verb to be
Ex: A:Is she happy?
       B: Yes, she is
       A:Does he play tennis?
       B: No, he doesn't

Let's practise with a game!!/ Práctiquemos con un juego!!

Y repasemos con un video!: Presiona:Explicación Presente Simple


Simple Future

The simple future refers to a time later than now, and expresses facts or certainty. In this case there is no 'attitude'. The simple future is used: To predict a future event: It will rain tomorrow.

El futuro simple o "simple future" se utiliza para describir acciones que se van a desarrollar en un futuro, sin necesidad de especificar cuándo. En inglés se suele expresar este tiempo verbal con los modales "shall/will" o con la construcción "be going to".


Affirmative: Subject + Will + V. base form +  complement
Ex: She will go to the swimming pool

Negative: Subject + won't/will not + v. base form + complement
Ex: She won´t go to the swimming pool

Interrogative: Will + subject + v. base form + complement + ?
Ex: Will she go to the swimming pool?

Y repasemos con un video!: Presiona:Explicación Futuro Simple


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