Perfect Continuous Tenses

 Perfect Continuous Tenses

Hello there my beloved readers, personally I really love perfect continuous tenses because is a really easy structure, all depends in the interest you put on this, let´s learn them as soon as possible.

Hola mis amados lectores, personalmente, realmente amo los tiempos perfectos continuos porque es una estructura demasiado fácil, todo depende en el interés que pones en esto , vamos a aprenderlos tan pronto como sea posible.   

REMINDER: Every time you see the word continuous or progressive in an english tense, you always put the verb with "ing" and goes with verb to be in this case always is "been".

RECORDATORIO: Cada vez que veas la palabra continuo o progresivo en un tiempo de inglés, siempre pones el verbo con "ing" y va junto al verbo to be, en este caso siempre es "been".

Present Perfect Continuous

The present perfect continuous tense (also known as the present perfect progressive tense) shows that something started in the past and is continuing at the present time. The present perfect continuous is formed using the construction has/have been + the present participle (root + -ing).

El "present perfect continuous" se refiere a un periodo temporal inespecífico situado entre el pasado y el presente. El hablante se refiere a algo que empezó y que puede no haber concluido en ese periodo de tiempo.


Affirmative: Subject + Have/Has + been+ v. ing +  complement
Ex: You have been dancing for 8 years.

Negative: Subject + have/has not + been+ + complement
Ex: You haven´t been dancing for 8 years

Interrogative: Have/has + subject + been + v. ing + complement + ?
Ex: Have you been dancing for 8 years?

Let's practise with a game!!/ Práctiquemos con un juego!!

Y repasemos con un video!: Presiona: Explicación presente perfecto continuo


Past Perfect Continuous

The past perfect continuous tense (also known as the past perfect progressive tense) shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in the past. The past perfect continuous tense is constructed using had been + the verb's present participle

El pretérito pluscuamperfecto continuo o "past perfect continuous" se usa para una acción que se estaba realizando u ocurriendo en el pasado antes de otra acción ya pasada.


Affirmative: Subject + Had + been+ v. ing +  complement
Ex: You had been dancing for 8 years.

Negative: Subject + had not + been+ + complement
Ex: You hadn´t been dancing for 8 years

Interrogative: Had + subject + been + v. ing + complement + ?
Ex: Had you been dancing for 8 years?

Let's practise with a game!!/ Práctiquemos con un juego!!

Y repasemos con un video!: Presiona:  Explicación pasado perfecto continuo


Future Perfect Continuous

The future perfect continuous, also sometimes called the future perfect progressive, is a verb tense that describes actions that will continue up until a point in the future. The future perfect continuous consists of will + have + been + the verb's present participle.

El futuro perfecto continuo o "future perfect continuous" se usa para expresar cuánto tiempo habrá durado una acción en un determinado momento del futuro. Este tiempo verbal enfatiza la continuidad de un acontecimiento en un momento futuro.


Affirmative: Subject + Will+ Have + been+ v. ing +  complement
Ex: You will have been dancing for 8 years.

Negative: Subject + will not + have + been+ + complement
Ex: You won´t have been dancing for 8 years

Interrogative: Will + subject + have + been + v. ing + complement + ?
Ex: Will you have been dancing for 8 years?

Let's practise with a game!!/ Práctiquemos con un juego!!

Y repasemos con un video!: Presiona:  Explicación futuro perfecto continuo


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