
Mostrando entradas de 2020


    Imagen recuperada de: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhtnZw1qvQquclNDa18g2xp79I2GwV6AdkhfXX8k6GK1GGR04ZMcTrOWN7QHH9VAQsQY9kunEDGY8S37iA6TUvVsExa1syk6ke0P-1VM5NKcFHM8ShHh_VGYRC64ba7a1Bcr6rwJgP7py77/s1600/tai-sao-lai-hoc-tieng-anh.jpg ¿WHY SHOULD YOU LEARN ENGLISH?   English is known as the universal language, wherever you go it will help you to communicate with another person, it's also the most underrated subject at school while is the most useful, as you may know, every career requires you to know english. Please, first of all don´t be scared, it's way much easier than you think, our team is going to teach you the basics to get at least level A2 which is useful for school. ___________________________________________________________________________________   ¿POR QUÉ DEBERÍAS APRENDER INGLÉS? Imagen recuperada de: https://www.cein.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/aprender-ingl%C3%A9s-en-toledo.jpg El inglés es conocido como el idioma universal, a don


Tips to learn english  Imagen recuperada de: https://www.learn-english-have-fun.com/images/whatwed.jpg Hello there all my beautiful readers, I'm Teacher Anna and I´m gonna have a small conversation with you, First of all I would like to say that I'm not a native person, but I've studied english for a long time and I'm advanced, I got better as the time was passing by, I did a lot of things that helped me to reach the level I'm in now, so more than as a teacher, I'll talk to you as a friend that really wants to help you improve throught this mini blog that is just a little bit of all the things you could learn. I started my studies since I was very young because I really liked it, my mom bought a dictionary for kids which included a crazy amount of words and drawings, I reviewed that words thousands of times so I got a lot of new vocabulary so Imagen recuperada de: https://www.youstudy.com/Gallery/blog/post/7-tips-to-learn-english-quickly-and-easily.jpg FIRST REC


                            ALPHABET   The first thing you should learn is the alphabet, now, we're going to teach you the pronunciation of each letter // La primera cosa que deberías aprender es el alfabeto, ahora, vamos a enseñarte la pronunciación de cada letra. A: Ei                                   B: Bi                                   C: Ci D: Di E: I F: Ef G: Yi H: Eich I: Ai J: Yei K: Kei L: El M: Em N: En O: Ou P: Pi Q: Quiu  R: Ar S: Es T: Ti U: Iu V: Vi W: Dabliu X: Ex Y: Uai Z: Zi  Presiona:  Canción del alfabeto en inglés

Cardinal Numbers

Cardinal Numbers ¡Let´s learn the cardinal numbers, it's going to be amazing!/ ¡Aprendamos los números cardinales, va a ser divertido!  Inside the brackets you will see the correct pronunciation of each one/ Dentro de los paréntesis verás la correcta pronunciación de cada uno. A Cardinal Number is a number that says how many  of  something  there  are, such as one, two, three, four, five. Imagen recuperada da: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/proxy/AVvXsEgKOZUG5sKwgAYVE-N_evJKHf0I_luW0DTeQOFBnjBRBYDTPCPvX_dWtJUIdCy5BYukYqIVtLmPtC0eEL45hi1YY-3kFIpdn9-ErWB_KwDxpM83RNVo8IEKSlHHugHDCueRdCpFVYXbWQZlZErROaSh1eU0QVJaH-HwgpoV2oiwYJ_8R18aS5Vv29jnsT53flO5mDolCb8Lc471PQ= Un numero cardinal es un número que dice que cantidad hay de algo, así como uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco.  Inside the brackets it's the correct pronunciation. Dentro de los paréntesis está la correcta pronunciación. 1: One (Uan) 2: Two (Tu) 3: Three (Thri) 4: Four (For) 5: Five (Faif)  6: Six (Six) 7: Seven (Sev

Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal Numbers Imagen recuperada de:  https://slideplayer.es/slide/5497794/17/images/1/N%C3%BAmeros+Ordinales+Conociendo+los+n%C3%BAmeros+ordinales.jpg ¡Let´s learn the ordinal numbers, it's going to be amazing!/ ¡Aprendamos los números ordinales, va a ser divertido!  Inside the brackets you will see the correct pronunciation of each one/ Dentro de los paréntesis verás la correcta pronunciación de cada uno. An Ordinal Number is a number that express an order Los números ordinales son aquellos que expresan un orden Presiona:  Canción de los números ordinales


                              Pronouns As in every language, in english we have some pronouns to call someone instead of his/her name. Como en todos los idiomas, en inglés tenemos algunos pronombres para llamar a alguien en vez de su nombre.   We have the following ones:  Tenemos los siguientes:    Yo: I Tú/ Usted/ Ustedes: You Él: He Ella: She  Eso: It Ellos: They Nosotros: We  Imagen recuperada de: https://owl.excelsior.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/09/Pronouns-example.png Make sure to memorize them because you will use it everytime!! Asegúrate de memorizarlos porque los vas a usar todo el tiempo!!  Pronouns are words that are used to take place of nouns in sentences. They usually refer back to a noun used earlier in the sentence, and they must match the number, point of view, and gender of the noun. We use pronouns to make sentences clearler, less awkward, and smoother. (Taken from Study.com). Los pronombre son palabras que son usadas para tomar el puesto de los sustantivos en

Verb To Be

 Verb To Be Imagen recuperada de: https://apiryf-psyddmxucmhqi7ym9y.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Explicaci%C3%B3n-del-verbo-to-be.jpg The verb to be is the most useful thing when it comes to english, because it´s the most used verb. El verbo to be es el verbo más útil, cuando se trata del inglés, porque es el verbo más usado. We use the verb to be when we want to express things that someone is doing, or when you want to describe someone or something.  Usamos el verbo to be cuando queremos expresar cosas que alguien está haciendo, o cuando quieres describir a alguien o algo. The "to be" is a verb used to describe something or someone. In english, it can be used to say different things according to the context. However, the most common use of the to be verb is to talk about names, age, feeling, nationalities, and proffessions, especially when talking in the present tense. (Taken from www.lingokids.com) El "to be" es un verbo usado para describir algo o al

Verbal Tenses

 Verbal Tenses Imagen recuperada de: https://blog.inkforall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Verb-tenses-indicate-whether-an-event-is-from-the.png Finally I'm here with my personal favorite topic, this is my go-to when someone asks me to explain any topic, since this is way much easier than you think, in spanish there´s a lot of verbal tenses but in englih there´s only twelve, I'll start giving a personal recommendation, I'll leave a song which is Dance style in which you can learn a lot of verbs, you really need to memorize the verbs in its different forms, you will need it always, so you will get really important knowledge, keep reading if you want to learn all different tenses. Finalmente estoy aquí con mi tema favorito, personalmente, éste tema es mi elección cuando alguien me pide que le explique cualquier temática, porque es mucho más fácil de lo que crees, en español hay un montón de tiempos verbales, pero en inglés solo hay doce. Empezaré dando una recomendación perso

Simple Tenses

  SIMPLE TENSES Welcome to the easy simple tenses we´re going to check them and I´ll give tips to you so you can understand easily. As always, I'll leave interactive things like a video, images and a game for practicing. Bienvenidos a los fáciles tiempos simples, vamos a revisarlos y les daré concejos para que puedan entender fácilmente. Como siempre, dejaré cosas interactivas como un video, imágenes y un juego para practicar. ___________________________________________________________________________________  Simple Past Simple past is used for talking about a concrete action that started and ended in the past, we use it with adverbs of time like "last year" "yesterday" and etc. Simple past is used to talk abou things we already did. El pasado simple se utiliza para hablar de una acción concreta que comenzó y acabó en el pasado, que suele equivaler al pretérito indefinido español. Lo usamos con adverbios de tiempo como “last year”, “yesterday”, “last night”… ..

Continuous Tenses/ Progressive Tenses

 Continuous/Progressive Tenses This tenses are the ones that are used to describe something that was happening, is happening or will be happening. Estos tiempos son los que usamos para describir algo que estaba pasando, está pasando o estará pasando. This is a really useful tip, when you are using progressive tenses, it doesn´t matter if it's past, present or future, ALWAYS you use verb to be and the verb will ALWAYS have ing. With that in mind let´s get started. Este es un tip muy útil, cuando estamos usando tiempos progresivos, no importa si es pasado, presente o futuro, SIEMPRE usamos el verbo to be y el verbo SIEMPRE tendrá ing. Con eso en mente, empecemos. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Present Continuous The present continuous tense is a grammatical tense that can be used to describe when an action happened, or may happen. You can use it to describe both events that are happening in the present – right now, while you are ta